Saturday, November 5, 2022

Conference on Medieval Dominican Liturgy, Toronto Canada, March 5-7, 2023

It is a pleasure for me, as the President of The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies at the University of Toronto (founded by Etienne Gilson), to announce an International Conference on Medieval Dominican Liturgy, scheduled to coincide with the traditional feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, March 5 to 7, 2023.  As can be seen from the program below, this conference will include papers by scholars from all around the world who have made major contributions to the study of medieval Dominican liturgy. That program may also be downloaded here.

     This conference is open to the general public, and there is no registration fee, although those who wish to attend the sessions must register by sending an email to the PIMS Executive Assistant, Ms. Cynthia Watson. Reduced-rate rooms (limited number) are still available at the conference hotel. Should you want one, please mention this in your registration-request email.  Note also that the two public liturgies in the Dominican Rite, the First Vespers and the Solemn Mass of Thomas Aquinas, are both open to the general public without need for registration. They will be held at St. Basil’s Collegiate Church, St. Michael’s College, Toronto ON---for more information, see the program:

I look forward to meeting our readers at the Conference. If you attend, do take the time to introduce yourself to me.


Anonymous said...

Hello, Father Augustine Thompson O.P.,

The Lord give you His peace!

I am in the middle of reading your Francis of Assisi: A New Biography and I thought of the possibility of you, publishing a new biography of St. Dominic. And if this project has not crossed your mind, or will not even see the light of day, what extant biographies of his would you recommend, as a historian yourself?

Thank you for the book, Father.

Baron Wolfgang (email:

Fr. Augustine Thompson OP said...

Dear Wolfgang,

Thanks for the kind words. I don't believe that a new bio of St. Dominic is needed. There is a fine "popular" bio by Fr. Guy Bedouelle O.P., St. Dominic: Grace of the Word. And the standard scholarly bio by M-H Vicaire, OP, St. Dominic and his Times, is excellent. The English translation is up-dated from the French original and the Italian version (if you read Italian) is now the standard.