Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Life in A Monastery": St. Albert the Great Priory, Oakland CA, 1961

The video "Life a Monastery" was broadcast on Oakland Channel 6 in 1961. It shows life in the Western Dominican Province House of Studies, Saint Albert the Great Priory, in Oakland CA.


The film begins with clips of our House of Studies, still the same today in Oakland CA. Then follows film of the Dominican Rite Solemn Mass, the center of the liturgical day at the House of Studies. The film than moves to the class room, and then highlights different aspects of the life. A list of those appearing is below the video. The times listed for each of the scenes in the identification list tell where you can find that segment on the video.

The Priory and Grounds (time 0:00)

Members of the Choir
(time 1:35) are identified for Second Video

Solemn Mass Ministers (time 2:43)
Celebrant: Fr. Martin Giannini, O.P.
Deacon (l): Bro. Aquinas Wall, O.P.
Subdeacon (r):
Bro. Nicholas Prince, O.P.
Senior Acolyte (r): Bro. Bernard Cranor,
Junior Acolyte (l): Bro. Brendan O’Rourke, O.P.
Thurifer: Bro. Bertrand Pidgeon, O.P.

Classroom (time 5:07)
Instructor: Fr. Fabian Parmisano, O.P.

Student in his Room (time 7:00)
Bro. Jordan DeMan, O.P.

Library Stacks (time 7:26)
Bro. Terence McCabe, O.P.
Bro. Sean Doherty, O.P.

Studying in Library (time 8:36)
Bro. Peter Cole, O.P.

Student Discussion by the Fire (time 9:11)
Bro. Philip Valera, O.P.
Bro. Benedict DeMan, O.P.
Bro. Bertrand Pidgeon, O.P.
Bro. Albert Linkogle, O.P.
Bro. Brendan O'Rourke, O.P.
Bro. Edmund Ryan, O.P.

Chess Players (time 9:58)
Bro. Stephen Coughlin, O.P.
Bro. Lawrence Ackerman, O.P.

Music Room (time 10:20)
Bro. Thomas More McGreevy, O.P.
Bro. Salvador Calderon, O.P. (Mexican Province)
Bro. Francisco Brenes Camocho, O.P. (Spanish Province)

Drama Practice (time 10:43)
Director: Bro. Lawrence Ackerman, O.P.
Bro. Sabastian Haterias, O.P.
Bro. Gerald Elher, O.P.
Fr. Fabian Parmisano, O.P.

Weather Service (time 11:30)
Bro. Stanislaus Sharlach, O.P.

Art Studio (time 11:56)
Bro. Aquinas Wall, O.P.


The second part of the film highlights the fine arts and the domestic life of the house. It then returns to the Solemn Mass and ends with the chanting of the Exsultet according to the Dominican chant. The credits were actually added later, I am told by Fr. Finbar Hayes.

Music Session (time 0:00)
Trumpeter: Bro. James Aymong, O.P.
Guitar: Bro. Louis Fronk, O.P.

Print Shop (time 0:30)
Bro. Antoninus Everson, T.O.P.

Wood Shop (time 1:25)
Bro. Daniel Thomas, O.P.
Bro. Raphael Goodfriend, O.P.

Visiting the Infirm (time 2:39)
Fr. Bertrand Clyne, O.P.
Bro. Gregory Lira, O.P.

Student and Teacher (time 2:60)
Fr. Leo Thomas, O.P.
Bro. Giles Wentworth, O.P.

Priest Leaving for Sunday Supply (time 3:30)
Student Driver: __________________
Fr. Mark McPhee, O.P.

Gardens (time 4:06)
__________________ (walking)
Bro. Matthias Lockett, O.P. (weeding)

Dominican Sisters at Grotto (time 4:35)
Sister Assumta Vorndran, O.P.
Sister Maria Goretti Eder, O.P.
Sister Nicolina Kohler, O.P.
Sister Melita Wolf, O.P.

Sisters in the Kitchen (time 5:02)
Sister Rosalia Steinbach, O.P.
Sister Maria Goretti Eder, O.P.

De Profundis Line and Refectory (time 5:19)
Fr. William Lewis, O.P. is the Prior

Reader in Refectory (time 6:35)
Bro. Stephen Coughlin, O.P.

Friars at Table (time 7:03)
server: _____________
Fr. Dominic Deniz Ortega, O.P. (Province of Spain)
Fr. Martin Giannini, O.P.
Fr. Mark McPhee, O.P.
Fr. John Flannerty, O.P.

In the Cloister (time 7:40)
In garden: __________
In archway: Bro. Thomas Thierman, T.O.P.

The Choir at Mass (time 8:35)

The Cantors (left to right)
Bro. Francisco Brenes Camacho, O.P. (Spanish Province)
Bro. Louis Fronk, O.P.
Bro. Bertrand Pidgeon, O.P.
Bro. James Aymong, O.P.

Front Row on Left (left to right)
Bro. Daniel Thomas, O.P.
Bro. Gregory Lira, O.P.
Bro. Antoninus Everson, T.O.P.
Bro. Albert Linkogle, O.P.
Bro. Lawrence Ackerman, O.P.
Bro. Augustine Hartman, O.P.
Bro. Anthony Chavez, O.P.
Bro. Patrick Labelle, O.P.
Bro. Bede Wilks, O.P.
Bro. Philip Valera, O.P.
Fr. Peter Miles, O.P.

Back Row on Left (left to right)

Front Row on Right (left to right)
Bro. Sebastian Haterias, O.P.
Bro. Gerard Elher, O.P.
Bro. Giles Wentworth, O.P.
Bro. Stephen Coughlin, O.P.
Bro. Edmund Ryan, O.P.
Bro. Frederick Narberes, O.P.
Bro. Adrian Rivera (lay brother postulant)

Back Row on Right
[Empty stalls]
Bro. Terence McCabe, O.P.

Solemn Mass (time 10:00) ministers are identified for first video

The Exsultet (time 11:34)
Bro. Kieran Healy, O.P.

Credits (time 14:00)
Fr. Mark McPhee, O.P.
Fr. Fabian Parmisano, O.P.
Fr. Finbar Hayes, O.P.
Fr. Leo Thomas, O.P.

I thank Bro. Lupe for his help with the production of this video and Fr. Edmund Ryan for his help in identifying the friars. I also thank the many friars who have written me with corrections and new identifications.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dominican Rite Low Mass Tutorial Videos with Commentary

These very beautifully done videos were prepared by friars of the Eastern Dominican Province for training purposes in the traditional Dominican Rite. The celebrant in these videos was Fr. Andrew Hofer, O.P. They are best viewed along with the rubrical aid originally compiled by Fr. Anthony Patalano, O.P., and put in a lovely PDF format by Eastern Province friars. Download it here. I think we can anticipate that these videos will soon bear fruit in public celebrations of the Dominican Rite in the Eastern Province.

Since in the Western Province, where we have regular public celebrations of the Rite and I am currently teaching the Practicum for the student brothers on it at our House of Studies for, I wanted to make these videos more easily accessible along with commentary mentioning differences in custom between the two provinces in the manner of celebration. In include such notes below each video. I emphasize that this is merely meant to help priests of the Western Province learn what is traditional in our province, not as a criticism of the Eastern friars who produced these videos or of their province's local uses.

Preparation in the Sacristy

Preparation of the Chalice.

Note that the corporal should be placed in the burse so that then pulled out it will be in proper position for unfolding. This has clearly been done, but it is not mentioned.

Vesting of the Priest.

Note that the cord of the amice goes under the back scapular, not over it. This is not visible in the video, although it seems that Fr. Hofer did so.

Arrival at the Altar
The Entrance.

It is not the Western Province practice for the server to go up the front steps to the altar -- only the ordained do that. He should go to the side of the altar and only go up the side as high as he needs to for performing his function. The method of folding the veil in the video does not follow Western Province practice: It should be folded by thirds vertically, not horizontally, so that the decoration is right-side up on the bottom end. It is then laid vertically paralleling the right side of the corporal (not the gradine, as here). The purificator should not be folded in half (as here) but unfolded completely along the right side of the corporal. The pall is then placed on the upper part of the folded veil when it is not on the chalice.

The Preparation of the Chalice.

Although it seems to have been suppressed among American Dominicans generally, the kissing of the priest's had when handing the cruets seems to have been done occasionally (probably among those trained in Europe) in the Western Provicance. Some of our servers do it now, but not all.
The Prayer Actiones Nostras.

Prayers at the Foot of the Altar

Prayers at the Foot of the Altar.

Although Bonniwell says that the priest stands on the "first step" (understood in the video to be the top one below the footpace), Western Province practice is to descend to the floor for the "Prayers at the Foot of the Altar."  The verse Adjutorium nostrum is said at the foot of the steps and the priest then ascends the steps. The rubrics say that the server is to lift the edge of the priest's alb so that he does not trip going up the steps. Some servers tried (and try) to do in our province but you have to be quick.

Priest Ascends to the Altar.

The Officium (Introit) to the Collect

The Officium and Kyrie.

The Gloria.

It is common in our province for the priest to continue recitation of the Gloria as he moves to the book, but, if he does not have it memorized, it is possible to pause while moving (as here). Priests should note that the 1965 Missal does not have the head bows in the Gloria marked (except for those at the Name of Jesus). Priests might wish to pencil these rubrics into that newer book.

The Collect.

Note also how Fr. Hofer nicely makes a head bow to the cross at the Name of Jesus in the conclusion of the Collect (not mentioned by the commentator).

Epistle, Responsory (Gradual), Alleluia, and Gospel

The Epistle.

A small head bow is also made at the name of the saint of the day, for example, when the name appears in the Collect.

The Responsory and Alleluia.

It is custom in the Western Province to signal the server that the recitation of the chants between the Epistle and Gospel are ending by placing the left hand extended flat on the altar toward the center so the server can see it. This is especially helpful when there is no Alleluia or where the Alleluia is followed by a sequence. Also note that the server should go up the side steps, not the front.

The Gospel.

Although you cannot see it, Fr. Hofer rests his folded hands in the missal in the V-shaped depression where the pages are bound. This is a priestly position. The deacon holds his hands folded before his breast, not resting in the book.

The Offertory

The Offertory Verse.

Note in the video and commentary that this is the only time that Oremus is said with the hands extended.

The Offertory Prayers.

Again, note that the veil should be folded vertically, not horizontally. Although Bonniwell says that the pall may be placed against the center altar card, as here, Western Province priests usually place it on the upper part of the vertically folded veil. Again, the purificator should be fully extended along the right side of the corporal.

The Lavabo.

It is certainly permitted to recite the Lavabo psalm while moving, if one has it memorized.

The Prayer In Spiritu Humilitatis.

The Orate Fratres.

Note that Fr. Hofer has made a full circle when saying Orate fratres, this is correct when the tabernacle is not present. When it is present, as here, the priest does not make a full circle, but turns to his right placing his back to the Gospel side the tabernacle, and then turns back by by the way he came. This can be seen in earlier videos, for example at the Dominus vobiscum before the Collect.

The Secret.

Of course, the priest also says the response Et clamor meum ad te veniat to the verse Domine exaudi orationem meam, although this is not mentioned or heard in the video.

The Preface

The Preface.

The Sanctus.

You will note the server lighting the Sanctus Candle (not mentioned in commentary). It was a very strict rule in our province that, not only the priest, but also the server should avoid turning in a circle so as to show his back to the tabernacle. Here the server would turn in the opposite direction
The Canon Part I (Te igitur to the Consecration)

The Te Igitur.

Note that the priest should not be using his thumb and forefinger to change the pages in the book. As the commentator said, they should be reserved for touching the Host.

The In Primis.

The Communicantes.

The Quam Oblationem.

The Canon Part II (The Consecration)

The Consecration of the Host.

Note, as the commentary says, that the priest now keeps the fingers that have touched the Host on the corporal rather than outside it. This position is used from now on, whenever the priest places his hands on the altar.

The Consecration of the Chalice.

Again, the normal practice in the Western Province is to place the pall on the upper part of the folded veil, not against the altar card. The usual process in our province is not just to steady the base of the chalice with just the three free fingers of the left hand, but to extend those three finders behind the stem of the chalice with the joined thumb and forefinger in front of the stem. The base of the chalice thus securely held down, lest blessings or other motions risk tipping it over. This will be the case for all blessings, etc., for the rest of the Mass until the reception of communion, so I will not comment on this in the future videos. Our practice is not just to "not raise the chalice higher than the head," but not to raise the base of the chalice above the eyes.

The Canon Part III (After the Consecration)

The Unde et Memores.

In the Western Province, the general rule was, after the consecration, to extend the arms only moderately (not straight out as in the video). This moderate extension is what is specified in the Latin Missal rubrics and the wood cut in the 1933 Missal. There are, however, a couple of photographs of Western Province priests doing the rigid straight arm cross position shown in this video. The current practice in the Western Province is to follow the more rubrical "moderate extension." Also note that when the server rose he turned in such a way as to present his back to the tabernacle. In the Western Province servers should turn in the opposite direction before descending the steps.

The Supplices Exoramus.

The Memento.

The Nobis Quoque Peccatoribus.

The Per Quem Haec Omnia.

Again, normally we put the pall on the upper part of the vertically folded veil.

The Per Ipsum.

The Pater Noster to the Communion

The Pater Noster.

Following the logic of the Latin rubrics, which say to extend the hands "as before" at the Embolism, it is the practice in the Western Province for the priest to join his hands when the people make their response Sed libera nos a malo. They are then extended again after the priest says quietly Amen and begins the Libera. Again, we put the pall on the upper half of the folded veil, not against the altar card. Our practice is to place the paten on the lower half of the folded veil (not to the side).

The Fraction.

The Agnus Dei.

Although it was not unknown in the Western Province to ring the "Communion Bell" at the first Agnus Dei, the more common practice, near universal today, has been to defer this bell until the priest turns to present the Host for adoration by the people saying (since 1958) Ecce Agnus Dei. When, according to local custom (as allowed by the Ecclesia Dei Commission), the Communion Confiteor is said, the bell is rung at that point (as it would be for the friars' communion at a Solemn Mass signaling for them to prostrate for the Confiteor). Thus the bell serves as a signal for the people to prepare for commuion. If it is a Low Mass without any communions, then the bell may be rung at this point, as in the video.

The Priest's Preparation and Communion.

Note that when removing the pall in order to take communion from the chalice, the priest should steady the chalice by placing his three fingers to one side of the node and the forefinger and thumb on the other to hold it down.

The Ablutions to the End of Mass

The Ablutions.

The Communion Verse.

Note again that the server should turn in the opposite direction to avoid turning his back to the tabernacle.

The Postcommunion Prayer.

The Ite Missa Est.

The Blessing of the People.

The Last Gospel.

In our province the server comes to the Gospel side of the altar to respond to the dialog of the Last Gospel, as he did the Gospel of the Mass. Normally he would return to stand in his place before the altar on the Epistle side. But is is also permitted for the server to hold the altar card up for the priest so that priests with poorer eyesight do not have to strain to make out the words. The Deo gratias at the end of the Last Gospel is said by the server.

The Leonine Prayers

The Leonine Prayers are not part of Mass; they were added in the late 1800s for particular intentions. As their recitation was a matter of Church law, they have not been required since abrogation of the decree to recite them in 1965 even in the traditional forms of Mass. Nevertheless they still are said (by local custom) in some places.

The Leonine Prayers.

The Return to the Sacristy.

Again, my most sincere thanks to the friars of the Eastern Province for these beautiful videos.