Wednesday, April 30, 2014

First Saturday Dominican Rite Mass, May 3, at Carmel of the Holy Family, Canyon CA

Chapel of the Carmel, Bishop Barbar Celebrant (New Rite Roman)

This is just the briefest of reminders to readers in the San Francisco Bay Area that the Dominican Rite Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, sung by the student friars of the Western Dominican Province as part of First Saturday Devotions, will not be at St. Albert's Priory in Oakland, this week.

The Mass will be at the Carmel of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph* in Canyon CA, this Saturday, May 3, at 10:00 a.m.  This Mass will be a Solemn High Dominican Rite Mass to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Profession of Mother Sylvia Gemma, O.C.D., the superior of the Carmel of the Holy Family.  This event is open to the public and will be the last First Saturday Mass until the Fall.

*How to find Canyon Carmel, which has no street number: Canyon is just east of Oakand CA. Start from the Canyon U.S. Post Office (99 Pinehurst Road), and go north about one half mile to “John McCosker Ranch Road” on right (easy to miss); take this mostly gravel private road up to the right turn onto “Old Home Ranch Road,” which is signed for “Carmel.” This gravel road ends in the parking lot of the monastery.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April First Saturday Dominican Rite Missa Cantata, Oakland CA

Through the kindness of the students of the Western Dominican Province, I have the pleasure of publishing some photographs of the Missa Cantata of the Immaculate Heart of Mary celebrated as part of the First Saturday Devotions at St. Albert the Great Priory in Oakland.  The celebrant was Fr. Bryan Kromholtz, O.P., Regent of Studies, and it was his first public celebration of the sung Mass in the traditional Rite.  The servers were Rev. Brother Peter Hannah, O.P., and Brother Christopher Brannan, O.P.  The thurifer was Brother Andrew Dominic Yang, O.P.  Music was provided by a schola of the brothers.
The Father Bryan Intones the Gloria

Blessing the Incense at the Offertory

The Servers bow to each other on returning from the Lavabo.

Communion of the lay faithful (about 30 were in attendence)

For more on this Mass and other new about our students, click here.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Recent Dominican Rite Masses at Holy Rosary Church, Portland OR

I am pleased to present these photos of recent celebrations of the Dominican Mass at the house of the Western Dominican Province in Portland OR, Most Holy Rosary Priory and Parish.


The celebrant of this Missa Cantata was Fr. Vincent Kelber, O.P., Pastor of the Parish.  In accord with the Dominican practice, the distribution of ashes was done, with Fr. Kelber's assistance by the Prior of the Dominican Community, Fr. Stephen Maria Lopez, O.P.  As the question is often raised as to the nature of the altar servers attire, it is a modification of the old lay brother's postulant habit: a white tunic and black shoulder cape.  As they are ministering at the altar, the servers wear the surplice, in this case under the shoulder cape, as is the Dominican tradition for the non-ordained.

Blessing of Ashes

Distribution of Ashes to the Servers by the Prior

Distribution of Ashes to the People

The In spiritu humiliatis at the Offertory

Elevation of the Chalice

Dominican Orans position at the Unde et Memores

The Ecce Agnus Dei before Communion

The Et Verbum caro factum est of the Last Gospel


The celebrant of this Missa Cantata was the prior of the Dominican Community of the Holy Rosary in Portland, Fr. Stephen Maria Lopez, O.P.

Arrival at the Altar

Preparation of the Chalice During the Chants between the Readings

The beginning of the Creed

The Incarnatus est of the Creed

Elevation of the Host

Preparation for Communion

The Ecce Agnus Dei before Communion

For a list of regular celebrations of the Dominican Rite in the Western Dominican Province, click here.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Dominican Chants for the Passion in Latin Now Available

Dominican Liturgy Publications, a subsidiary of Albertus Magnus Press of the Western Dominican Province is pleased to announce the reprinting of the 1953 Cantus Passionis D. N. J. C. with the Gospels of Matthew and John for use in singing those texts in the liturgies of Palm Sunday and Good Friday.  This volume has undergone minor changes to make the text compatible with the rubrics of the 1962 form of the Dominican Rite and (coincidently) the forms of the Passion used in the modern Roman Rite.

The text and music of the original edition was hand written by an anonymous friar for the 1953 printing, and his work is what is reproduced in the two-color printing.  A sample page may be seen to the right.  The price of the hardback volume is $26.95, specially discounted for this coming Holy Week from the usual price of $29.40.  Those intending to use this resource liturgically should purchase three copies, one for each of those singing the role of Christ, the Narrator, and the Crowd.

The Cantus Passionis may be purchased here.