Friday, January 17, 2014

Incunabula Pritings of the Dominican Rite Missal

Title page of the 1500 Missal
 Thanks to on-line resources, it is now possible to compile a list of all Dominican Rite Missals published up to 1500, the period of  the Incunabula ("in the cradle") printing.  The British Library Incunabula Short Title Catalog and the Online Computer Library Center (Worldcat), have facilitated this overview.  As best we can tell, 11 printings of the Dominican Missal were produced from 1482 to 1500.  Five of these are now available for consultation in digital copies on line (linked below).

As far as I can tell, the most important of these editions are the first of 1483 and that of 1500, as these are the editions for which the greatest number of copies remain. Both are found throughout all of Europe as opposed to other printings found only in more restricted areas.  It is not surprising, given the Order's commitment to poverty, that these editions are in quatro and octavo size: smaller and more economical editions.

At the right you can see the title page of the 1500 edition of the Dominican Missal, the first with a woodcut illustration on the title page.  The pre-1500 printings of the Missal follow in order, with images of the Canon Page where it could be found.

1. Missale secu[n]du[m] ordine[m] fratru[m] predicatorum.  Venice: Octaviano Scotto, 24 Dec. 1482.

Description: The first OP Missal published. In moderate sized quarto format, it was printed in red and black with double columns, 33 lines to the page. Judging from the extant copies, this seems to have been a large press run acquired by Dominican houses all over Europe. Signatures: a¹^(0) b-z^(8) [et]^(8) [con]^(8) [rum]^(8). Goff M636

Locations in the U.S.A:

Dallas TX, Southern Methodist Univ., Bridwell Library;
Detroit MI, Detroit Public Library;
San Marino CA, The Huntington Library;
Williamstown MA, Williams College, Chapin Library
Tuscaloosa, AL, University of Alabama

Other copies are found in British Isles (2); Germany: 4 copies, 3 fragments; Italy: 3 complete, 4 imperfect copies; Spain, 1 copy; Netherlands, 1 copy; Austria, 1 copy

eBook reproduction: Proquest, Ann Arbor MI, viewable on WWW at libraries that have subscribed to the service.

2. Missale secundum ordine[m] fratrum predicatorum. Milan: Antonio Zarotto, 1482. 

Description: This was a large folio edition and soon after #1, but is very rare. I have not been able to find any further descriptions. It was probably circulated mostly in Italy. Goff M637.


Washington DC, Library of Congress, Rare Book Division
Florence, Italy: Biblioteca Lorenziana

3. [Missale secundum consuetudinem ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum.] Naples: Mattia Moravo, 29 Mar. 1483.

Description: Published moderate sized quarto, this edition is relatively rare. Copies are found principally in Italy and southern Europe. Goff M638


The Dominican Historical Institute in Rome has a copy as does the British Library, London. Other copies: Italy (2), France (1), Spain (1). It seems a copy was sold by Sotheby: Parke-Bernet 25 June 1982 lot 96.

Venice1484 Te Igitur Page
4. Missale s[ecundu]m ordinem fratru[m] predicatoru[m]. Venice: Nicolaus von Frankfurt, 1484.

Description: This was the first “compact” missal, issued in octavo. Printed in two columns, in two sizes of Gothic type, with the smaller, lighter gothic used for the texts to be read in unison by the community; text in black, with 2-line capitals and captions in red. Woodcuts: one full-page unshaded Crucifixion. The extant copies and the nationality of the publisher suggest that this edition circulated in northern Dominican houses, especially in Germany and Poland. Signatures: pi¹^(0) ²pi^(4) a-y^(8) A-M^(8) N¹². GW M24169


Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich has produced an online Electronic facsimile


The University of California at Los Angeles has a copy, as does the Dominican Historical Institue in Rome. Other copies are found in Britain (1 imperfect), Belgium (1), France (1 imperfect), Germany (4 complete, 4 imperfect), Poland (5).

Lübeck, 1488 Te Igitur Page
5.  Missale s[ecundu]m ordine[m] fratru[m] p[re]dicatoru[m]. Lübeck: Bartholomaeus Ghotan, 1488.

Description: This was the first Dominican missal printed in the north, at Lübeck. I was in large folio format and printed in black and red. It seems to have been purchased, like #4 by northern houses. Any copies were probably lost during the Reformation. GW M24154


Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm, Sweden has produced an online Electronic facsimile.
Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1996.


Other than the copy in Stockholm, which is available on the web, there is an imperfect copy in Germany and a second copy in Sweden.

Venice 1494 Te Igitur page
6. Missale secundu[m] ordinem fratrum predicato[rum] Ordinis s[an]cti Dominici. Venice: Johann Hamman, for Octaviano Scotto, 1 Feb. 1494.

Description: This is another small format, octavo missal. Again, this publication involved the Ventian printer Octaviano Scotto, who also published a number of Dominican authors (St. Albert’s incunabula edition of Thomas Aquinas is by him). The circulation seems to have been in southern Europe mostly, especially in Italy. Goff M639


Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich has produced an online Electronic facsimile.

Locations: In the U.S.A:

Chapel Hill NC, Univ. of North Carolina Library;
New Haven CT, Yale Univ., Beinecke Library (-);
New York NY, New York Public Library, Drexel Collection;
Providence RI, Providence College Library

There is also a copy of this edition in the Dominican Historical Institute in Rome. Other copies are found mostly in Italy (9) and elsewhere in Germay (4), France (2), Spain (2, including the Dominican House in Caleruega), Britain (1), Sweden (2), Poland (2), Hungary (1).

7. [Missale secundum ordinem fratrum predicatorum.] Basel: Michael Wenssler, c. 1488.]

Description: Other than the format, large folio, and that this Swiss imprint of the Missal seems to have been distributed mostly in Germany and the north, I have not been able to find much else about it. GW M24152


This version is not very accessible to Americans. The only two complete versions listed are in the National Museum at Prague and the Benedictine Abbey of Scheyern in Germany. Imperfect copies are found in Germany, Finland, Danmark, and Poland.

Venice 1496 Te Igitur page
8. Missale s[ecundu]m consuetudinem fratrum predicatorum cum omnibus additionibus tam ad conuentualem q[uam] ad priuatam missam pertinentibus. [Venice]: Andrea Torresano, 30 Dec. 1496.

Description: This large format folio Missal was published in Venice and is interesting for the inclusion of material on private (said) Mass. It is interesting that the earlier missals seem to have been intended for conventual celebrations. It included a woodcut and some copies are known to have been printed on vellum rather than paper. Goff M640


Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich has produced an online Electronic facsimile.

Locations in the USA:

New York NY, New York Public Library, Rare Book Division;
Washington DC, Library of Congress, Rare Book Division (on vellum)

There are also 2 copies in the Dominican Historical Institute in Rome. Most other known copies are found in Germany (6) and Italy (7), Britain (2), and France (2), and Poland (1). Imperfect copies are found in Denmark, Croatia, Switzerland, and Poland.

9. Missale s[ecundu]m ordine[m] sancti dominici. Venice: Simone Bevilaqua, 13 May 1497.

Description: This small format octavo missal was published in Venice by a collaborator of Octaviano Scotto. GW M241262

Location in the USA:

University of California, Los Angeles.

The largest group of known copies are in Italy (5), plus one at the Historical Institute in Rome. Others are found in Germany (3), France (2), and 1 each in Austria, Sweden, Hungary (imperfect), and Poland (imperfect).

10. [Missale secundum ordinem fratrum predicatorum]. Seville: Meinard Ungut and Stanislao of Poland, 22 July 1497. 

Description: This rare quarto edition is of interest for serveral reasons. It is the first known printing of the Missal in Iberia, and the printers are Hungarian and Polish immigrants. It is hard to say, but this printing was probably mostly distributed in Spain. GW M2416410

Location: there is only one know copy, imperfect, in the library of the Cathedral Chapter in Burgos, Spain.

Venice 1500 Te Igitur page
11. Missale s[ecundu]m ordine[m] sancti dominici.
Venice: Johann Emerich, Nicolaus von Frankfurt, 6 Mar. 1500.

Description: This compact octavo editon has a woodcut of St. Dominic walking carrying lily and crucifix on the title page, probably the first so decorated. After the first printing of 1482, this seems to have been the largest, at least in terms of copies preserved. It is interesting that again the printers are immigrants, this time, Germans to Italy. Not surprisingly, the largest groups of copies are found in Germany and Italy. Goff M641


Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich has produced an online Electronic facsimile.


New York NY, Union Theological Seminary, Burke Library

There is also a copy in the Dominican Historical Institute in Rome and in the British Library in London. Otherwise, most copies are in Germany (9, 1 imperfect), Italy 6, one imperfect), Britain, (2 and some fragments), Belgium (2, 1 imperfect), France (1 at the Dominican house in Toulouse, 2 others imperfect), and 1 each in Austria, Sweden, and Slovinia.


Goff = Frederick R. Goff, Incunabula in American libraries: a third census. Millwood NY, 1973. This is a descriptive catalog in English of Incunabula in American holdings.

GW = Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Stuttgart, etc., 1968- [in progress]. As the most commonly used catalog generally, I give references to this when Goff has not. Handwritten original is online at:

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dominican Rite Latin Masses in the San Francisco Bay Area

Elevation of the Host in the Dominican Solemn Mass

Those readers who live in the San Francisco Bay Area may also be interested in local celebrations of the Traditional Dominican Rite. This academic semester, they will be occurring in four different venues, three in the East Bay and one in San Francisco proper. These Masses are celebrated by priests of the Western Dominican Province and usually served by student brothers of the province. All celebrations are open to the public.


Saint Albert the Great Priory (Dominican House of Studies, Oakland CA
          Chapel Entrance: 6172 Chabot Road, Oakland CA 94618
     Dominican Missa Cantata (Immaculate Heart), First Saturday of each month, 10 a.m.
          Feb 2, Mar. 1, Apr. 5, May 3

Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley CA
          2301 Vine St, Berkeley, CA 94708
     Dominican Low Mass, third Thursday of the month, 5:15 p.m.
          Feb. 20, Mar. 20, Apr. 17, May 15

Carmel of the Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph, Canyon CA
     Off Pinehurst Road, Canyon, CA 94516 (directions below at *)
           Sunday (Missa Cantata), usually Roman Rite (times vary)
                  Dominican Rite: third (9:30 a.m.) and fourth (10 a.m.) Sundays  of the month
                  Jan. 19, 26; Feb.  16, 23;  Mar. 16, 23; Apr. 20, 27; May 18, 25
           Weekdays (Low Mass), mostly Extraordinary Form Roman Rite (times vary)
                  Dominican: Usually Tuesdays and Fridays, 8:45 a.m. until Feb. 1, then 7:45
                  Jan. 7,  10, 13 (Mon.) 14, 17, 20 (Mon.) 21, 24, 28; Feb. 4, 7, 11, 12 (Wed) 14, 18, 21, 24,
                  26 (Wed); Mar. 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28; Apr. 8, 11, 15, 22, 25, 29; May 2, 6, 9, 13,
                  16, 20, 23


Star of the Sea Church, San Francisco CA
          4420 Geary Boulevard, San Francisco 94118
      Dominican Sung Mass (probable dates, watch here for confirmations and additions)
         Mar. 19 (St. Joseph); Mar. 25 (Annunciation)

Those attending these Masses may wish to purchase their own copies of the Dominican Rite Pew Booklet with the Ordinary of the Mass in Latin and English.  One may do so at Dominican Rite Publications.

Elsewhere in the Western Dominican Province, the traditional Dominican Rite is celebrated with regularity at: Holy Family Cathedral (weekly), Anchorage AK, Holy Rosary Church (monthly), Portland OR, and Blessed Sacrament Church (quarterly), Seattle WA.  Contact these churches for specific dates and times.

*How to find Canyon Carmel, which has no street number: from Canyon U.S. Post Office (99 Pinehurst Road), go north about one half mile to “John McCosker Ranch Road” on right (easy to miss); take this mostly gravel private road up to the right turn onto “Old Home Ranch Road,” which is signed for “Carmel.” It ends in the parking lot of the monastery.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Dominican Rite Solemn Mass of Ember Wednesday of Advent, 2013

Thanks to the kindness of the Traditional Latin Mass Society of San Francisco, I can now present some photos for the Solemn High Dominican Rite Mass celebrated at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church in San Francisco CA on December 18, 2013.  I have selected some of the photos from the Society's photo gallery because they show distinctive Dominican features of Solemn Mass on penitential days and ferials.

The celebrant was Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P.,  of the Western Dominican Province who was assisted, once again, by the Province's student brothers from the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology (Berkeley, CA).

Since it is not the Dominican custom to celebrate a devotional "Rorate" Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin in Advent, this Mass was that proper to the Ember Day, which does, happily, have the Officium (Introit) "Rorate."  As it was expected that the Mass would be by candle light as is the common Roman custom, the church was in darkness except for the large numbers of candles.

Here are some photos from the Mass:

The Priest with his hands in the Dominican Orans Position

Here you can see the Dominican position of the hands at the Collects, with palms facing forward rather than toward each other as in the Roman Rite.

Ministers at the Sedilla

In this photo you can see the Dominican order of seating for the ministers (here during the sermon).  The higher ranking the minister, the closer to the altar, thus the priest (preaching and so not present) is closest, followed by the deacon, subdeacon, senior acolyte, etc.  You can also see over the major minsters' laps the violet "mappula" or "mappa," which is analogous to the Roman gremial.

Ministers reciting the Offertory Verse
In this unusual photo, you can see the order of the ministers to the Gospel side of the altar during the reading of the Offertory Verse.  In our Rite this position is taken so that at least the deacon can recite the verse with the priest.  In the middle ages, of course, all the ministers would have had the propers memorized from frequent use and so all would join the priest in the recitation.  (The acolytes would not normally carry candles at this point, but it was so dark in the church that they carried them so that the ministers would not trip on the steps.)

The Elevation of the Host
There is, of course, no thurifer since incense is not used on penitential days and ferials.

Here are the ministers in the sacristy after the Mass: Brother Christopher Wetzel, O.P. (in cappa, assisting), Bro. Thomas Aquinas Pickett, O.P. (senior acolyte), Rev. Bro. Peter Junipero Hannah, O.P. (deacon), Rev. Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P. (priest), Bro. Gabriel Mosher, O.P. (subdeacon), and Bro. Bradley Elliott, O.P. (junior acolyte).  The Dominican practice that the deacon and subdeacon do not wear dalmatics on penitential and ferial days is clearly evident in this photo.

A video of the entire Mass: