A number of questions and comments sent to me concern choices made in the compilation of this booklet, as to why I did nor did not include some piece of chant or text. My goal in this project was to include everything that is in the Liturgia Horarum for Compline exactly as it is modified by the official Properium Ordinis Praedicatorum of 1982. My hope wat that this would keep my personal taste out of the process as much as possible. Everything present in the normative Liturgia Horarum is included; anything changed or added by the Properium is changed or added. Nothing else is added, changed, or deleted. Options present in these texts are all present, but no others.
I received one gratifying piece of news, a student from one of the American Dominican provinces contacted me to let me know that they have downloaded the Completorium Novum in the booklet format and intend to start using it at Saturday Night Compline in their Studentate. Very gratifying!
I would still appreciate comments and corrections on this project, and I will do my best to address them. If you decide to use this book for singing Compline, I would be very pleased to here about how it works out.
Our schola in Moscow use Benedictine Compline although I have prepeared for us Completorium novum, with different psalms and hymns. But we decidet to pray according to new Antiphonale Monasticum. The reason was the temperate variety of this form. Is the over-variety of your form autentic or not?
That is very gratifying to hear. Yes, all the music in the booklet is authentic to our tradition, just as I explained in the post describing the booklet. You can find the texts in their original structure in the Dominican Antiphonarium of 1933, available for down-load on the sidebar.
Dear Fr. Thompson
I am a lay dominican who enjoys learning from your blog. I recently started to use the book to pray the completorium.
I may be wrong, but I believe there are two typos in your book.
-- page 58, in the prayer after the final antiphon for the BVM. Word "quǽsimus".
-- page 59, in the prayer for the defunct. Word "requiécant"
Thanks for your blog,
God Bless
Derik Castillo Guajardo
Dear Kired,
Thanks. I have fixed those two typos. It is feedback like this that will make this a better and more useful booklet. By the way, I am slowing puttning together a Vesperal for the Liturgia Horarum following the order of antiphons of the Ordo Cantus Officii, which provides a list of real antiphons with music to replace the made-up ones in the Liturgia Horarum. I will substitute Dominican versions wherever possible. Currently I am working on Ordinary Time. I suspect it will come out in installments: Ordinary time; then Advent-Christmas, then Lent, and finally Easter. I also plan to redo the Completorium typesetting the music to replace the scans, but that is in the deep future.
Just keep watching at Dominican Liturgy.
--Fr. Augustine O.P.
Dear Fr. Thompson.
I am afraid my posts regarding typos in the book will be fragmentary. Please consider the following list of words thay may need work. The verse numbers are as in the Nova Vulgata.
Page 2, first red line, words Hymui, Dominiæ.
Page 10, verse 8 of Psalm 90. Is the first word Verúntamen?.
Page 14, verse 13 of Psalm 85, word nieam.
Page 14, verse 15 of Psalm 85. Should the accent match the bold, as in miséricors?
Page 16, first verse of psalm 142, word précipe.
Page 22, verse 8 of Psalm 15. Space in between the words inconspéctu.
Page 24, verse 6, Psalm 87. Should the words stratum meum be substituted with liber?
Page 24, verse 6. Word sieut.
Page 25, verse 17, Psalm 87, should the word evertérunt be substituted with exciderunt?
God Bless
Derik Castillo Guajardo
Thanks, Derik,
This is very helpful. You may have guessed from the kind of typos that this material was scanned, not typed in. The texts are not Nova Vulgata. They are as the are found in the 1977 editio typica of the Liturgia Horarum. This version (not the new 2003 edition) is what is used at the Vatican and at all other Latin celebrations of the LH that I know of. When I make these corrections, proof read the text myself,and get the new web hosting working, the corrected version will be made available.
Gratias tibi ago!
--Fr. Augustine O.P.
Dear Fr. Thompson.
I am in the middle of a rather busy period, but I would like to share another list of possible typos.
Page iv, second line, space before colon.
Page vi, second to last line, extra period in the abreviation Fr.
Page 2, first red line, extra period at the end of sentence.
Page 2, word solemnitatibus
Page 16, verse 4, the mediant and termination are not marked with italics and bold, respectively (my guess is obríguit cor meum).
Page 26, red text in middle of page, word Nativiatis
Page 37 words quotitidie, domnica and Pascahale.
Page 38 red text before Triduo paschali, word Domnicis.
Page 44, word solemnitatibus. The word evangelica is declensed inconsistently.
Page 45-47, 51, word evangelica.
Page 55, the declension and capitalization of October is inconsistent (my gues is Octobris).
Page 58, in the response, word vitútem.
Page 64, the character ǽ is in different font.
Pages 45-49, 52-56, word hynmus.
Pages 30-32, 42, word antipona.
So far I am enjoying singing the completorium daily. I can't wait for your first installment of the vesperal.
Derik Castillo Guajardo.
Dear Darik,
I am back from retreat. Thanks so much. You are a superb proof reader. I am glad the Completorium has proved useful. Obviously character reognition programs to conver scans to text are not perfect.
If you send me an email, I would be happy to send you a PDF of the Vespers book in its in process format (Ordinary time only).
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