Saturday, November 28, 2020

Answer Key for Scanlon & Scanlon's Latin Grammar Available

Greetings to our readers who are interested in learning Ecclesiastical Latin. There are many books out to help you learn Ecclesiastical Latin but most require an instructor or tutor. Many seminarians, priests, and lay people want to learn Latin but do not have a readily available instructor. In my years of teaching Latin, I am convinced that the best book for liturgical Latin remains Cora and Charles Scanlon’s Latin Grammar for Reading the Missal and Breviary, first published in 1944 by B. Herder Book Co., and still in print from TAN Books.

The one problem with this book is that there was no available full Answer Key.  I am happy to announce that we have now published one for all the exercises of every lesson. You may order copies of this Key from Dominican Liturgy Publications, which also has available many other resources for the Dominican Rite and the Latin liturgy.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Dominican Rite Calendar for 2021

Sample Page of the Calendar

 I am pleased to announce that the Dominican Rite Liturgical Calendar for 2021 is now available here. This continues the annual publication of the calendar at Dominican Liturgy, where downloads of the current and older calendars are always available on the left sidebar. I am posting this early so that readers who notice any errors can email me and let me know about them.

This calendar has adjusted the dates and rankings of post-1962 Dominican saints and blesseds to conform to changes in the Order's calendar promulgated November 30, 2019. These changes are minor because most of the Dominican saints currently celebrated were already on the calendar in 1962 and so are celebrated as they were at that time.

The calendar also includes an extensive appendix giving all the local feasts for every diocese in the United States where there is a Dominican friars community. United States national feasts are listed as such in the calendar itself. Finally there is a list of all the Dominican saints and blesseds only celebrated in particular provinces listing the province(s) for each.

May this calendar facilitate the offering of the prayers of the Mass and Office to Our Blessed Lord. St. Dominic, pray for us!