In celebration of the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, two items of interest to our readers. First, the
Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, the Studium of the
Western Dominican Province, has put up a wonderful Web-Exhibit of the
VITA D. THOMAE AQUINATIS by Otto van Veen and published in 1610 in Antwerp. Itis a pictorial history of the life of St. Thomas Aquinas accompanied by a short Latin text of explanation accompanying each of the thirty-one illustrations. The inages are lovely and the explanations by Fr. Michael Morris, O.P., Professor of Religion and the Arts at DSPT are very informative. You can access the exhibit
here. The first page of van Veen's
Vita decorates this post.
Liturgically, in honor of the 15th anniversary of the dedication of the church, a Dominican Rite
Missa Cantata of the Dedication of a Church will be celebrated at Holy Rosary Church, Portland OR, on Sunday, January 30, at 11:00 a.m. The pastor, Fr. Anthony-M. Patalano, O.P., will be the celebrant. Music will be by
Cantores in Ecclesia and a reception will follow in the parish hall. You can read more about this event and get driving informatino
A blessed feast day to you all!