These gained their fame for their efficacy during the XIIIth century, when the Order provoked certain jealousies and concerns as she rose in prestige. Troubles began in earnest in 1254, when some prelates prevailed upon the Holy Father, Pope Innocent IV, to publish his bull, “Etsi animarum”, which imposed severe restrictions on the Order of Friars Preachers, such as not being able to hear the confessions of the faithful, not being able to bury the faithful, not being able to celebrate Holy Mass publicly nor offer other sacraments, under penalty of excommunication. This would obviously be the death of the Order. Until he paid heed to those who slandered the honor of the Order, the Holy Father had actually been a great protector of our Order.
The Master of the Order of that time, Bl. Humbert of Romans, greatly troubled and pained over what was happening to his beloved Order, was at a loss. And so he knelt before an image of the Most Holy Virgin, and in tears asked for her help and intercession. The Virgin replied to him, "From this very moment, the Order has been freed." A few days later, Pope Innocent IV died in Naples, sixteen days after issuing his bull against the Dominicans, which his successor, Pope Alexander IVth, quickly annulled with his own bull, “Nec insolitum,” on the 31st of December, 1254.
During these trying times, the Order also suffered persecution from the secular Masters of the University of Paris, led by William of Saint-Amour, who sought to expel the mendicants from their ranks, and even distributing flyers against the Order, to attempt to turn the faithful against them. The same Bl. Humbert of Romans, in the General Chapter of 1256, ordered that the Seven Penitential Psalms be prayed, along with the Litany with other prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Dominic. A few days later, in Rome, as the brethren were praying the Litany, a friar fell into a trance, and had a vision of Our Lord over the altar, with Our Lady at His side, who was asking her Son to heed the petitions of the friars. A few days later, over the course of ten days, Pope Alexander IV intervened decisively in favor of the friars, and against those who calumnied the Order.
A historian from that era commented that thanks to these Litanies, not only did the great persecutions against the Order come quickly to a favorable end, but the Order itself increased in honor, leading some rather surprised cardinals to remark, "Cavete a Litaniis Fratum Prædicatorum qui mirabilia faciunt” (“Be careful with the Litanies of the Friars Preachers -- they work wonders”).
Readers will easily note the longer petitions, which all begin "Sancta Maria", and not by title alone, with some interesting titles and honors from older forms of piety that might strike our ears as odd or excessive, but for this author, the additional triplet of "Daughter of God," "Daughter of Joachim," and "Daughter of Anne," as well as the three-fold "She-lamb" petitions are quite beautiful.
Many thanks to the English student friars and those of Traditio Spiritualis Sacri Ordinis Prædicatorum, we present the Litany here for use... with caution.

℣: Deus in adjutorium meum intende. ℟: Domine ad adjuvandum me festina. ℣: Kýrie, eléison. ℟: Kýrie, eléison. ℣: Christe, eléison. ℟: Christe, eléison. ℣: Kýrie, eleison. ℟: Kyrie, eleison. ℣: Christe, audi nos. ℟: Christe, audi nos. ℣: Christe, exáudi nos. ℟: Christe, exáudi nos. ℣: Pater de Cælis Deus, ℟: miserére nobis. ℣: Fili Redémptor mundi Deus, ℟: miserére nobis. ℣: Spiritus Sancte Deus, ℟: miserére nobis. ℣: Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, ℟: miserére nobis. ℣: Sancta María, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sancta María Mater Christi Sanctíssima, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sancta Maria Dei Génitrix Virgo, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sancta María Mater innúpta, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sancta María Mater invioláta, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sancta María Virgo vírginum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Virgo perpétua, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Grátia Dei Plena, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María ætérni Régis fília, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Chrísti Máter et Spónsa, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Spíritus Sáncti Témplum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Cælórum Regina, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Angelórum Domina, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María scala Dei, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María porta Paradísi, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María nostra Máter et Dómina, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María nostra spes vera, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María nova Máter, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María ómnium fidélium fídes, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María cáritas Dei perfécta, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María imperátrix nostra, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María fons dulcédinis, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sancta María Mater Misericórdiæ, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Máter ætérni Príncipis, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Máter veri consílii, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Máter veræ fídei, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María nostra resurréctio, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María per quam renovátur ómnis creatura, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María génerans ætérnum Lúmen, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María ómnia portántem pórtans, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María vírtus divínæ Incarnatiónis, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María cubíle thesáuri cæléstis, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María génerans factórem ómnium, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María consílii cæléstis arcánum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María nostra sálus vera, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María thesáurus fidélium, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María pulchérrima Dómina, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María íris plena lætítia, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Máter veri gáudii, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María íter nóstrum ad Dóminum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María advocátrix nostra, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María stella cæli claríssima, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María præclárior luna, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María sólem lúmine víncens, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María ætérni Dei Máter, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María délens ténebras ætérnae nóctis, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: S. María délens chyrógraphum nostræ perditiónis, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María fons veræ sapiéntiæ, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María lúmen réctæ sciéntiæ, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María inæstimábile gáudium nóstrum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María præmium nóstrum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María cæléstis pátriæ desidérium, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María spéculum divínæ contemplatiónis, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María ómnium Beatórum beatíssima, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María ómni láude digníssima, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María clementíssima Dómina, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María consolátrix ad te confugiéntium, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María plena pietáte, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María ómni dulcédine superabúndans, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María pulchritúdo Angelórum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María flos Patriarchárum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María humílitas Prophetárum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María thesáurus Apostolórum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sancta María laus Mártyrum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María glorificátio Sacerdótum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María décus Vírginum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María castitátis lílium, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María super ómnes féminas benedicta, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María reparátio ómnium perditórum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María laus ómnium iustórum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María secretórum Dei cónscia, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María sanctíssima ómnium feminárum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María præclaríssima Dómina, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María margárita cæléstis Sponsi, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María palátium Chrísti, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Immaculáta Vírgo, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María témplum Dómini, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María glória Ierúsalem, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María lætítia Israel, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María fília Dei, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Sponsa Chrísti amantíssima, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María stella máris, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María diadéma in cápite summi Régis, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María ómni honóre digníssima, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María ómni dulcédine plena, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María regni cæléstis méritum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María cæléstis vitae iánua, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María porta cláusa et pátens, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María per quam intrátur ad Dóminum, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María immarcescíbilis rosa, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María ómni mundo pretiósior, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María ómni thesáuro desiderábilior, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María áltior cælo, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Ángelis múndior, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María Archangelórum lætítia, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María ómnium Sanctórum exsultátio, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María honor, et laus, et glória, et fidúcia nostra, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Sáncta María exténde mánum túam et tange cor nóstrum, ut illúmines et líberes nos peccatóres, ℟: ora pro nobis. ℣: Fília Dei, María, ℟: nos réspice. ℣: Fília Ióachim, María, ℟: nos dílige. ℣: Fília Annæ, María, ℟: nos suscípe. ℣: Ágna Dei, tu porta spei, ℟: porta nos ad Fílium. ℣: Ágna Dei, nos iúngas ei, ℟: virginále lílium. ℣: Ágna Dei, da requiéi régnum, ℟: post exílium. ℣: Ora pro nóbis, Sáncta Dei Génetrix. ℟: Ut digni efficiámur promissiónibus Chrísti. ℣: Dignáre me laudáre te, Virgo sacráta. ℟: Da mihi virtútem contra hóstes tuos. ℣: Dómine, exáudi oratiónem méam. ℟: Et clámor méus ad te véniat. Oratio Defénde, qǽsumus, Dómine Deus, intercedénte beata et gloriósa Dei Genetríce María cum ómnibus Sanctis tuis, nostram ab ómni adversitáte Dómum et Ordinem, et ab hóstium tuére cleménter insidiis. Per Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum. ℟: Amen. | ℣: O God, come to my assistance. ℟: Lord, make haste to help me. ℣: Lord, have mercy. ℟: Lord, have mercy. ℣: Christ, have mercy. ℟: Christ, have mercy. ℣: Lord, have mercy. ℟: Lord have mercy. ℣: Christ, hear us. ℟: Christ, hear us. ℣: Christ, graciously hear us. ℟: Christ, graciously hear us. ℣: God the Father in Heaven, ℟: have mercy on us. ℣: God the Son, Redeemer of the world, ℟: have mercy on us. ℣: God the Holy Spirit, ℟: have mercy on us. ℣: Holy Trinity, one God, ℟: have mercy on us. ℣: Holy Mary, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Mother most Holy of Christ, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Virgin Mother of God, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, maiden Mother, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Mother inviolate, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Virgin of Virgins, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, ever Virgin, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, full of the grace of God, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, daughter of the eternal King, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Mother and Bride of Christ, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Temple of the Holy Spirit, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Lady of the Angels, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, ladder of God, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, door of Heaven, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, our Mother and Lady, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, our true hope, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, new Mother, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, faith of all the faithful, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, perfect charity of God, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, our empress, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, font of sweetness, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Mother of Mercy, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Mother of the everlasting Prince, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Madre of true counsel, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Mother of true faith, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, our resurrection, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, through whom all creatures are renewed, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, who brings forth the eternal Light, ℟: pray for us.
℣: Holy Mary, bearer of the Bearer of all,
℟: pray for us.℣: Holy Mary, strength of the divine Incarnation, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, chamber of heavenly treasures, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, who brings forth the Maker of all, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, secret of heavenly counsel, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, our true salvation, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, treasure of the faithful, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Lady most fair, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, rainbow full of joy, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Mother of true rejoicing, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, our path to the Lord, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, our advocate, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, star most bright of the heavens, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, more illustrious than the moon, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, overwhelming the Sun with light, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Mother of Eternal God, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, destroying the darkness of eternal night, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, blotting out the decree of our damnation, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, font of true wisdom, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, light of right knowledge, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, our inestimable joy, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, our prize, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, desire of the heavenly homeland, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, mirror of divine contemplation, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, most blessed of all the Blessed, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, most worthy of all praise, ℟: pray for us.
℣: Holy Mary, most clement Lady,
℟: pray for us.℣: Holy Mary, consoler of all who fly to thee, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, full of pity, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, overflowing with all sweetness, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, beauty of the Angels, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, flower of the Patriarchs, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, humility of the prophets, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, treasure of the Apostles, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, praise of Martyrs, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, glorification of priests, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, beauty of Virgins, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, lily of chastity, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, blessed above all women, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, recourse of those who are lost, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, praise of all the just, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, knower of the secrets of God, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, most holy of all women, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, most noble Lady, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, pearl of the heavenly Spouse, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, palace of Christ, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, Immaculate Virgin, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, temple of the Lord, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, glory of Jerusalem, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, joy of Israel, ℟: pray for us.
℣: Holy Mary, daughter of God,
℟: pray for us.℣: Holy Mary, most Beloved Spouse of Christ, ℟: pray for us.
℣: Holy Mary, Star of the Sea,
℟: pray for us.℣: Holy Mary, Diadem on the head of the sovereign King, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, most worthy of all honor, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, full of all sweetness, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, reward of the heavenly kingdom, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, gate of heavenly life, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, door both closed and open, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, through whom we come to the Lord, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, rose that cannot wilt, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, more precious than the whole world, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, more desirable than all treasure, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, higher than Heaven, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, purer than the Angels, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, joy of the Archangels, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, exaltation of all Saints, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, our honor, praise, glory and trust, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, extend thy hand and touch our hearts, that you may enlighten us sinners, ℟: pray for us. ℣: Holy Mary, daughter of God, ℟: look upon us. ℣: Holy Mary, daughter of Joachim, ℟: love us. ℣: Holy Mary, daughter of Anne, ℟: receive us. ℣: She-lamb of God, you, gateway of hope, ℟: carry us to your Son, ℣: She-lamb of God, you, join us to Him, ℟: virginal lily. ℣: She-lamb of God, you, give us the rest of the Kingdom, ℟: after this our exile. ℣: Pray for us, oh Holy Mother of God, ℟: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. ℣: Make me worthy to praise thee, Sacred Virgin. ℟: Strengthen me against thy enemies. ℣: O Lord, hear my prayer. ℟: And let my cry come unto Thee. Prayer We beseech Thee, Lord God, that through the intercession of the blessed and glorious ever-Virgin Mary and all Your saints, that You defend from all adversity our Congregation and our Order and that You protect it from all the snares of our enemies. Through Christ our Lord. ℟: Amen. |