Thursday, July 10, 2008

Landmark: 10,000 Visits to Dominican Liturgy

Even if you read this site regularly, you may have never gone all the way to the bottom of the page. If you do, you will find a little graphic showing a number there. This number lists the number of times Dominican Liturgy has been visited by readers. Some time last night (July 9) the number passed 10,000. So I had to reconfigure the four-digit counter to make it show the current total. Now, 10,000 visits in two months may not be much for some of the big-time Catholic blogs but for the little world of Dominican Liturgy, this was a landmark. It is times like this when the work seems worthwhile and productive. If you have friends interested in the Dominican Rite or music, do let them know about this site. Should you have questions or comments, leave them in the combox of this welcome page and I will be notified. Or contact me directly by email.

I would like to remind readers of the new additions to our sidebar for books of Dominican chant and liturgy. These are all downloadable as pdf files. I will continue to update the Liturgy of the Hours Vesperal in Dominican Chant as I complete more sections. I am now adding the Commons. You will notice that there are some missing antiphons. Since I am following the Ordo Cantus Officii (1983) from the Sacred Congrgation for Worship and some of the antiphons prescribed are not edited, these will come as soon as I can transcribe them from mircofilms of manuscripts. This should be possible after I get back to the D.C. area in the fall and can use the chant microfilms at Catholic University. But for now, there is plenty of material for those who want to sing Vespers in Latin chant using (mostly) Dominican melodies.


  1. Congratulations Father Augustine!!!
    Be sure that your work is most important and that your blog is having great and holy influence. Thank you very much for your work!

    By the way, could you consider posting a very brief comment on the lay devotion of small scapulars? I'm afraid you also have many and faithful tertiary readers!
    In SPND
    Diana d'Andalo

  2. Congrats Fr. Thompson!

    I am very happy to read your blog's statistics. Thanks so much for your hard work. I can tell you that I am learning from your posts, and feeling united to the Order when praying the Dominican compline and now vespers!

    Thanks again from the ranks of the tertiaries.

    Derik Castillo


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